Its duty is to watch over London Below, though (or maybe because) it failed at its previous task: guarding the city of Atlantis.
George, now best man for all four weddings, realizes that he has failed at his most important task: finding a minister.
Throughout each episode, a tally is kept for each time one of the comedians fails at his task.
One young pharmaceutical wholesaler added: "The elite of this country must admit that it has failed at its task for over 40 years.
"So, since you have failed at your primary task, do you think you could at least find a healer?"
This week's coup shows that he failed at his most urgent task: bringing the military to heel.
But others fail at their central task - investing - by veering into chancy investments or ignoring the basics of stock selection.
But ultimately the show fails at its most basic task: making audiences care about, or for that matter simply believe in, the characters.
Both Hathor and her potential victims became exceedingly drunk and merry, so she failed at her task.
How do I discourage him without failing at my task?