These, he said, failed to demonstrate the paradoxical effects.
One weakness of the theory is that it fails to demonstrate how social institutions impact the individuals and the way they age.
A recent randomized trial was discontinued because it failed to demonstrate any benefit.
A controlled study of guaifenesin failed to demonstrate any benefits from this treatment.
His press conference on April 13 also failed to demonstrate leadership.
We citizens will grade them, and those who fail to demonstrate anything but parochial greed are out.
Five trials, enrolling more than 300,000 patients, failed to demonstrate a reduction in mortality.
However, a study failed to demonstrate a link between high blood pressure and developing dementia.
You are disingenuous about some of your points, but fail to demonstrate the same room for flexibility.
In an Indian hospital between 2004 and 2005, 4 of 24 endocarditis patients failed to demonstrate classic vegetation.