The lovers have a brief tender moment before making one more failed appeal to Robespierre for a pardon.
Galloway won the case in November 2004 and the newspaper paid him damages of £150,000 plus, after a failed appeal, legal costs of about £2 million.
After a failed appeal and a failed suicide attempt (using poison hidden inside a watch, which was brought to him in prison by a friend) he was executed on December 6, 1823.
Following a failed appeal, he served 5 weeks in prison.
Zia-ul-Haq was accused of influencing the court decision and the subsequent failed appeal to the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Galloway was awarded damages of £150,000 plus, after a failed appeal in 2006, legal costs of about £2 million.
The beautiful old box comes to the Abbey in a failed appeal to use its contents as bail for Elave.
Jon has now retired from International fencing after failing to be selected for Team GB and a failed appeal.
On October 17, 1931, Capone was sentenced to 11 years in prison, and following a failed appeal, he began his sentence in 1932.
-1687) was a former Nakagaya village head who led a failed appeal to the magistrate's office of the Matsumoto Domain, asking for lower taxes.