Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
Certainly she must know her own failings better than anyone.
She was the one who still had to come to terms with her body's failings.
He has his failings, which I hope can be used to bring him down.
Whatever his failings as a husband and father, he doesn't seem to be having a good time.
The failings of hospital care have suddenly become a hot issue.
For several hours he sat there running through all his failings.
It is not easy to figure out when to bring private failings into public view.
But for many people, it has opened their eyes, perhaps to the failings of the system.
Given our schools' current failings, wouldn't that be a better approach?
Your date needs to hear the truth about his failings.
"Concerned only with his own failings while others are in need."
Which is one of your greatest failings, if I may say so.
He looked upon it as one does one's own failings.
"But you have something that will help, despite your failings."
Nearly seven years on, most of the serious failings identified then continue.
It has not done so and that is one of its great failings.
Then, some of the project's computer software was found to have failings.
The point is, I don't think you should take responsibility for his failings.
"But you would never court the one woman who sees all your failings."
"There are not a few failings in our work of leadership."
"They make up for a lot of failings in the equipment."
She was Brown, herself, though little given to their usual failings.
Was he never to be free of his uncle's failings?
Both models have their failings, but agree on a few points.
His failings in Arizona might have come because he had too much power.