The failure also damaged either the number one oxygen tank or its plumbing.
The failure to do so can only damage our democracy.
Still, a failure to meet the target could be politically damaging for the Democrats, especially on the eve of a Presidential election.
The disaffection of such dependable people, and the failure to attract "new blood," has further damaged the party structure.
The failure of the invasion damaged his career.
I have another objection, a purely selfish one: trading upon my name, whether the enterprise scored a success or a failure would damage me.
That said, their failure to deliver a new version in a timely fashion has really damaged their credibility.
That was what Tyl wanted, for failure would certainly damage his image.
We all share the conviction that failure in this area would damage the project of enlargement for many years to come.
The House bill also permits the Treasury to rule whether a given bank's sudden failure would damage the financial system or a regional economy.