Chronic renal failure develops slowly, and there are not many noticeable symptoms at first.
Acute renal failure develops in a short time, and symptoms are more noticeable.
If acute respiratory failure develops, the patient may have a long-term illness or die.
Folic acid also helps prevent the fatal defect anencephaly, a failure of the brain and spinal cord to develop.
Depending on the cause, premature ovarian failure may develop as early as the teen years, or the problem may have been present from birth.
Renal failure may develop both acutely and chronically.
Acute renal failure develops within 48 hours of ingestion.
In most cases, multiorgan failure including bone marrow failure develops over weeks to months.
Conversely, failure can develop in programs of innovations.
In some cases, chronic renal failure or end-stage renal disease may develop.