The failure to stand up an effective police force also helps explain why opium cultivation rose by nearly 60 percent this year.
Congress's failure to sponsor orderly balloting that would give the island's 3.8 million voters a meaningful say about their political status has not helped.
Their failure to allow change helped bring to power a Republican majority that opposes these principles.
The failure of these movements helped create conditions that ultimately led to the Protestant Reformation.
The failure of 1874 helped to overcome radical reluctance to form centralized organizations.
"These failures of leadership helped to set the conditions which allowed for the abusive practice to take place."
The failure to write boldly and clearly may help explain why commercial publishers - not to mention the reading public - are deserting academic history.
"This failure to restock in turn helps to keep prices down."
The Reagan Administration's failure to help the state during the oil bust didn't help either.
If they were doomed, her failure here would not help them.