The failure of the United States to issue one is nothing less than scandalous.
"This looks like a battle over words, but it's really a battle over the failure of the United States to make its case."
Britain refused to do so, citing failure of the United States to provide financial restitution for Loyalists who had lost property in the war.
This little-publicized fact is due almost wholly to the failure of the United States to pay its assessed obligations for 1986 and 1987.
The talks were threatened by the failure of the United States and the European Community to agree on a framework for negotiations.
The failure of the United States and the international community gave a green light to Al Qaeda to proceed with its attacks.
This was in light of the continuing failure of the United States to bring its legislation in conformity with its international obligations.
The failure of the United States to anticipate the almost incredible losses absorbed by Vietnamese Communists, both north and south, is well known.
They didn't want to remember us, because we represent the failure of the United States in Vietnam.
I have more than one reason to point a finger at Mr. Christopher for diplomatic failures of the United States.