The failure of the treaty to clear Washington raised serious questions about its survival.
The failure of his promise to her raised his rage to a new level.
But failure does raise questions about some basic beliefs in stage two.
The series' initial failure raises intriguing questions: Was the show too dark and difficult for viewers accustomed to an easier ride?
The general failure of all parties to agree on a government after inconclusive voting raised prospects for September elections.
The bond market, in particular, focused on the budget talks yesterday and the Government's failure to raise the debt ceiling.
The decision will also give rise to litigation over whether an earlier failure to raise mental retardation bars doing so now.
But the failure to include Bilhaj raises a question as to how stable the new transitional authority will be.
The failure to meet minimum standards for public health at 30 sites raised questions about how well the cleanup operations were being conducted, they said.
The failure of reconstruction in Iraq raises three questions.