It's tough to be happy about failure when that failure represents the United States to the rest of the world.
"His failure to do so represents a significant lapse of judgment on a sensitive issue," the report concluded.
The failure of the motion to adjourn probably represents a vote of no confidence in the committee report.
The failures represent an extremely small percentage of patients with Guidant implants.
Its failure had similarly important repercussions, and represented a major blow to the Caliph's prestige.
In any case, some people believe that the failure to create the technical schools represents lost opportunity in the history of British education.
The campaign's apparent failure to capitalize on race represents what for a politician of any color is the ultimate ineptitude.
Hence, the total failure of Congress who represent the populace.
Let us never forget the human cost that this failure represents.
Neither plan gained any traction in Congress, and the failure to come to agreement represented the final political breach between the two.