The film's commercial failure, however, signaled the end of Eaton's starring career onscreen.
The failure of the talks signaled serious problems not only for Nissan but for other auto makers.
On the other hand, a failure to meet expectations may signal the need to reorganize or redesign.
The failure of the Peace Conference of 1861 signaled that legislative compromise was implausible.
The failure of the siege signaled a general withdrawal by Russia from the Principalities, which was largely completed by September 1854.
Going into the final Balotelli said that, Manchester City's title success meant that failure in the Euros would not signal a personal failure this season.
The bank's failure today signaled that the Government, while it remains cautious on some fronts, will at least grudgingly stand aside in more such cases and let the market take over.
The failure of the Marshall Mission signaled the renewal of the Chinese Civil War.
Some analysts said the failure of precious metals to rally strongly on Wednesday signaled a lack of confidence in the economy and set the stage for yesterday's selloff.
The Assembly version is the best, but a failure to agree on any reform would signal voters that Albany politicians think nobody is watching their gathering of special-interest money.