The failure of this objection stems from its confusion of a great mistake with a clear one.
Crucially, though, failure has stemmed from the harsh way in which some of the more valuable players have been treated.
The Administration's failure to bring deficits down further and sooner stems significantly from the President's decision to make relatively small cuts in military spending.
The review concluded that this failure stemmed in part from poor follow-up.
The failure stems from problems the department has encountered in retaining officers and recruiting new ones, they said.
The failure of the campaign stemmed from the tensions within the Equal Rights Association.
This failure partly stems from his having taken the easy option of visiting familiar tourist sites.
He felt that his failures at building a consistent revolutionary movement stemmed from the lack of cohesiveness among its members.
Unexpected failures in components commonly stem from material flaws.
The prosecution's failures stemmed in part from a clash between the Mexican and American justice systems.