West's failure to lead a trump originally strongly suggested that he held the queen.
His failure to pay attention suggested that he was not someone who could be relied on.
If the primary purpose of the thesis is to add to knowledge, then failure to publish suggests that nothing new has been added.
Suffolk's failure to achieve even marginal success after 20 years strongly suggests that it is doing something wrong.
His failure to act strongly suggested that West had three cards in spades.
The failure of argument in the few examples that can be found again suggests that the model is indeed robust.
Leading a club toward the king was tempting, but West's failure to lead a club suggested that he held the ace.
Their failure to establish populations in other rivers suggests that they have quite specific reproductive requirements.
And West's failure to lead spades suggested an ace-queen holding.
They still might, but their failure so far suggests it isn't easy to do, and it didn't suddenly become easier on Sept. 11.