I broke out, looked at the detector, but nothing happened, except it showed a faint background, more than in the air.
Instead of Holly, he heard two taped voices, clear against a faint background hiss.
Finally, after a long time, the speaker came to life again with the faint background of static Jens had heard originally.
A faint background of mush came through the headphones, but nothing more.
Willie's voice came in against a faint background of mush.
And when he concentrated on that feel, it was no faint background to him.
The sky above was blandly neutral; nondescript clouds showed against a faint blue background.
He has used a limited palette - forest green, orange and black, printed on a faint yellow background - with great skill and sophistication.
The carrier hum of his radio provided a faint background to the slap-slap of cross-chop against the hull.
Low current densities produce spectral line emission, against a faint background of continuous radiation.