Each camera was emitting a faint beam, like the last evening sunrays.
Then, suddenly, a faint beam of light, like Tinkerbell in an inkwell.
The escapees began to follow a faint beam of distant starlight.
A faint red beam illuminated the trees and turned the rain into a shower of blood.
Once past the second landing and the faint beams of the spotlights, he vanished into the dark.
A faint beam of yellow light shone beneath the door.
The faint beam of a pencil-slim torch had supplied what little extra light was needed for the serious work.
Many hours of observation followed until the faint beam of a searchlight was seen.
Buck kept the faint beam on the bewildering scene, but as he moved slowly across the street, the foot lifted out of sight.
The room was swathed in black intersected by faint beams of fading light.