From his deck, a faint cheer rang out.
A faint and low cheer issued from somewhere on the rise, "Enough!
He could hear faint cheers in the distance.
This announcement was greeted with faint cheers from some of the men, and looks of bewilderment from others.
A boy in khaki at the back gave a faint cheer.
Mort yelled and swung his sword up, to the faint cheers of the crowd that had been waiting for him to do this for some time.
A faint cheer erupted from the arena as they walked the concourse toward the elevators.
A faint cheer went up from some of the human travelers.
There came a faint cheer from the distant watchers, and then awed silence.
A faint 'cheer sounded and then I saw the stern of the other ship was altering its position, swinging slowly out towards us.