She looked at him with faint disapproval - but, as before, it was mixed with love.
She was looking at Poirot with faint disapproval.
"No, we don't," Mueller said with what appeared as faint disapproval.
He took Eve's coat with the same faint disapproval.
'Hello to you gentlemen,' he said, surveying the cameras on the back seat with faint disapproval.
Jim looked briefly at the screen and made a sound of faint but emphatic disapproval.
Mitzi spoke with faint disapproval and woke Jerry up as she put the handbrake on.
His voice was matter-of-fact, but I knew him well enough to taste the faint disapproval.
His expression dissolved into one of faint disapproval.
There was faint, but unmistakable disapproval in the violet eyes.