Outside, a faint drizzle had begun to fall.
A faint drizzle had started to fall, hanging like droplets of liquid silver in the light from the headlamps.
The rain came and went, now a faint misty drizzle, now a sharp slanting flurry.
Outside the bunk wagon, a faint drizzle fills the canyon, but even the mist bears the grit of crushed and shattered rock.
There has been some faint drizzle here, but barely enough to wet the surface of the soil.
The rain had now faded to a faint drizzle, and she wanted to say something be- fore she left, but words escaped her.
A faint drizzle fell, mixed with snowflakes as wide as butterflies.
Outside it's muggy and there's a faint drizzle, almost like a mist, lightning but no thunder.
As if his words had bidden it, the rain faded to a faint drizzle.
A faint drizzle made the streets gleam in the evening dusk.