It was a faint growl, a deep rumble, soft but menacing.
Everyone went deathly quiet, except for a faint growl that emanated from between Glaedr's teeth.
A faint growl, rather like distant thunder, made the assailants hesitate.
A very faint growl made her fear lest he should go wild.
There was the faint growl of engines in the distance, coming nearer.
The Klingon officer did not smile, but something like a faint growl of pleasure emerged from his otherwise unmoving countenance.
The faint growl of idling engines hovered in the air.
He sensed a faint growl as it rumbled through her chest.
"I do not intend to discuss it further," she said, and soon was purring in sleep with the faint growl of a predator.
A faint growl rumbled in his throat.