She had a faint headache as well as feeling fatigue-fogged and a little dull, but she was determined not to let it spoil the day for her.
As he walked, blinking hard and rubbing his eyes against a faint headache, he looked again at the posters that covered the walls.
A faint headache reminds Dorrin he must provide further explanation.
After the wagon passed he turned south, down toward the Way of the Tanners, walking through the drizzle that had begun, ignoring the faint headache the light rain created.
Cerryl he opened his eyes, trying to ignore the faint headache that never seemed to fade completely anymore.
I felt a faint headache perched between my eyes like a frown.
With a few hours to wait while Eden got her rest and a faint headache growing behind his eyes, Laurent decided to lie down for a while himself.
Even after that, she was tired, and she retained a faint, but dully throbbing headache.
"I feel no more than a faint headache," I answered, looking down and away from them.
There was a faint headache just behind her eyes, but otherwise she was none the worse for all the wine she had drunk last night.