Just before the final note a faint heartbeat is heard.
But there is a faint heartbeat in some of these dead buildings.
A faint heartbeat unfurled in her head.
Doctors there discovered that the infant still had a faint heartbeat and tried to revive him.
I was trying to decide whether the soft pounding in my head was a headache or the faint heartbeat of a curiosity that refused to die.
Critics called the program a low-grade tabloid, but the show, says Diller, "started the faintest heartbeat."
By monitoring himself internally, he was able to distinguish his own faint heartbeat.
While the doctor had been talking, someone had noticed something, brain activity or a faint heartbeat, and they'd sprung into action.
All the naming of an executive director will do is give it some blip on the screen of a faint heartbeat.
"I guess maybe there's a faint heartbeat somewhere, but I'm not hearing it very well."