Her metal face mirrored faint hues: lemon, pink, and sorrel.
Suddenly a faint hue of color on the wall caught The Shadow's eye.
Through the trees that fringed it faint hues of rose and saffron from the west stole across it.
All that would be left was a faint reddish hue at the bottom of a shallow earthen pit in the cellar.
Waiting always for a word of help his hand moved faithfully the unsteady symbols, a faint hue of shame flickering behind his dull skin.
He bled in the infrared, adding a faint pink hue to the image.
From now on all his speechifying would be tinged with just the faintest hue of the ridiculous.
There were close to a hundred pearls in the string, and all had the same faint blue hue.
Its colouration is mainly grey, often with a faint olive-green hue.
Its leathery hide was mostly gray and mottled with faint hues of violet and viridian.