The vision resolved itself into two men, shining with a faint nimbus all around them.
She raised her hands, and a faint nimbus of blue light played around the long, slender fingers.
It wore, where the grey rock was outlined against the sky, a faint yellow nimbus.
It showed a few stars, and a faint nimbus off on one edge which might be the Sun.
Within a few heartbeats, Elcarth was surrounded by a faint but readily visible glowing blue nimbus of light.
Only then did he see the faint nimbus of light around the edgesof the magazine door.
At night they were each enveloped in a faint red nimbus, like a constellation of halo stars.
A last, faint nimbus of moonlight clung to the open window.
Seen this close, the man was glowing, surrounded by a faint nimbus of silver-white light, cut with blue energies, his features still unseen.
A very faint nimbus of light glowed on the western horizon, beyond the Carpathians in the direction of home.