Alert now, he reopened them and stared again at the faint twisty patterns in the water.
When it twisted in the water, he now saw that a faint pattern ran the length of its body.
The coat was long, kind of reddish-brown, faint pattern to it.
And their very existence overlays a faint but insistent pattern on the chaos that is history.
Only a faint rippled pattern even marked that the turtle had been there.
She zoomed on to the Rock, and could just make out the faint pattern of the ruins covering the entire upper surface.
Blade could make out the faint patterns of what was unmistakably advanced microcircuitry.
"No." Static arced in a high, faint pattern above her.
"Think of your lake," she ordered and concentrated on the faint pattern on the rock.
I asked Nell to keep following the faint pattern as far back in time as she could.