It loomed out of the blankness like a faint pressure on his face.
Suddenly he felt just the faintest pressure from her fingertips.
In zero gravity, Toby knew, even the faint pressure of light was enough to give a measurable push.
Instead, faint pressure at the back of his left leg.
She touched his cheekbone, a faint pressure of her fingertips.
There was a faint pressure on her hand.
With a faint pressure of warm fingers on his, she led Clyde to a small reception room.
But there was no pain, only a sense of faint pressure and even fainter heat.
She put her hand under his cold hand, so that if he made the faintest pressure she would feel it.
As he did so, she was sure that, just for a moment, there was a faint pressure on her fingertips.