There was no movement, just the faint rise and fall of his chest.
If it had not been for the faint rise and fall of her chest, Aunt Hortense would have said she was dead.
She put her hand over his heart, relieved by the faint but steady rise and fall of his chest.
Only the faint rise and fall of his chest showed that he was not dead.
Thomas had been returned to the bed, the faint rise and fall of his chest being the only clue that he was still alive.
He could see her breathing, the faint rise and fall of her chest beneath the thin, torn dress.
Except for the faint rise and fall of her controlled breathing she was like motionless marble.
I'm tired," he said with a faint rise of emotion.
Bank depositors may only experience a gradual or faint rise in rates during this period, analysts said.
A meadow, really, with just the faintest rise as it swooped toward the horizon.