But Ariane thinks she can make out a faint source of light and gropes towards it.
Turning that around - imagine observing one of our very faint sources; let's say a very distant galaxy.
In the adjacent room there was a faint source of illumination from under the double doors on the opposite side.
On average, one would expect the faint sources to be the more distant ones.
Neutral hydrogen is also associated with diffuse emission at infrared wavelengths that can confuse observations of faint infrared sources.
Professor Ryle eventually declared that he had demolished the steady-state theory by discovering vast numbers of the faint sources.
There was a faint source of illumination, like a stream of billions of tiny particles, faintly glowing.
The system is able to detect faint sources of information that lead to greater stability or a new state of order.
Janeway turned toward the faint source of light that stretched tentative fingers into the darkness.
Any planet is an extremely faint light source compared to its parent star.