Holding the hand, he could feel the faint throb of the pulse in the wrist, and it seemed very close to the surface.
While he listened to the faint throb of a standing motor, Harry heard the door shove shut.
I detect a faint but unmistakable throb of life.
From a distance away came the faint throb of a motor.
Almost immediately, it was lost to sight and, bare seconds later, the last faint throb of its engines died away in the darkness.
From an open door beneath, the faint throb of ranchera music spilled into the street.
Towers' headache abruptly died away to a faint throb.
He could feel faint throbs and hot flickers of sensation as something probed it.
Ahead of him he could no longer hear the faint throb of Dawn's car.
The music settled to a faint throb behind him.