The vibration came and went irregularly as Sulu trailed a hand down the corridor wall, its intensity increasing with each faint thrum.
The birds made no sounds - no coos or cries, nor the faintest thrum of wings.
It faded rapidly to a faint thrum.
Keat touched a hand throttle and they accelerated smoothly, with only the faintest thrum of an engine.
Vibration was a faint thrum in her bloodstream.
When they were gone, there was no sound but the faint thrum of the dragonfly's wings as it skimmed across the water.
I heard nothing but the faint thrum of wings as bats fished the air above for moths.
From somewhere they caught a faint thrum that sounded like an airplane passing over Westford.
Venera touched the stone wall and now felt a faint thrum, but very slight.
He could just touch the sword's hilt, and feel, through it a faint, persistent thrum of power.