This debate, like many in Germany, has underscored a faint uneasiness about the return to Berlin.
And deep inside him a faint uneasiness stirred weakly.
I have been on my own too long, he thought, feeling a faint uneasiness as the murmur of the crowd below grew louder.
A faint uneasiness made me look at her more sharply; she'd said a little too much in answer to a simple question.
'But both may pass high up and only give them faint uneasiness.'
The faint uneasiness that seemed to shiver the foundations of the city was something new.
They can be felt as a faint, irrational uneasiness at first, which mounts to a blind, meaningless panic.
It is with a faint but perceptible uneasiness that visitors sign the book at the gate.
A faint uneasiness seemed to edge the Chinaman's voice.
A faint uneasiness touched him when he remembered that Major Stone, too, had considered himself cured.