But we want to put some on notice that we want to receive fair coverage.
The network, however, calls its coverage fair and balanced and says it offers a needed alternative to a traditionally liberal media.
You see fair and balanced coverage of gravity all the time.
The news section of the Guardian provides authoritative, fair and incisive coverage.
The article quoted Fox executives who said they sought to present fair and balanced news coverage.
Seeking comment from those written about, especially when they are put in an unfavorable light, is a particularly important aspect of fair coverage.
You can't expect fair coverage of any product not made by Apple here.
Can't expect fair coverage of any product that IS made by Apple either.
The book is beginning to gather accolades for its timeliness and fair coverage from many sides of the issue.
There may be occasions where providing accurate, impartial and fair coverage in the public interest involves possible conflict with the law.