The presence of revolutionaries is a fair indication that something's seriously wrong in a given province.
This gives a fair indication of what the bottom-end joints are going to be like.
The drums are a fair indication that the one just ahead is still open for business.
Still, after one discounted the window dressing, a man's room was often a pretty fair indication of his personality.
But after one discounted the window-dressing, a man's room was often a pretty fair indication of his personality.
That little speech you were making here this evening was a fair indication of it.
The Fool was not about, but the door was left standing open, a fair indication that he had gone out.
There are dozens of similar reports which gave a fair indication of the problems facing the soldiers.
These figures do not give a fair indication of the current total population of the specific ethnic groups associated with each country.
If the past is a fair indication, the opportunity to make money will be at least as persuasive as the potential to enhance people's lives.