But tonight there was a fair sprinkling of media people and others, those with money and titles, what Trish teasingly called old blood.
There was a fair sprinkling of Saxons.
It wouldn't be stretching too fine a point to say that every pirate crew inevitably contained a fair sprinkling of Welshmen.
Half Pentarno and a fair sprinkling of Maymouth is deployed wherever there's cover along the coast road, moving in on us quietly right now.
The 1,000-odd bidders who registered for this auction were mostly German and mostly private, including a fair sprinkling of major and minor nobility.
It has a fair sprinkling of old leather chairs, old carpets, old portraits and old members.
A fair sprinkling, including some modern ones with outdoor bars (but not enough seating).
Plus a fair sprinkling of locals, who know what's what.
Many players were returned service-men from World War 2, with a fair sprinkling of enthusiastic youngsters.
Typically characters were drawn from what was supposed to be real life, but servants were often pitted against their betters with a fair sprinkling of satire.