Labour must offer a vision of hope with policies that will deliver growth, jobs and fair taxation.
It will mean action to help families, fair taxation, incentives for enterprise and support for essential community services.
He was a strong advocate of fair taxation, food security and Agronomy.
Yet some families are hurt in undesirable ways that can be remedied without much damage to the other principles of fair taxation.
No one is mentioning the solution of fair taxation of the rich.
Finance innovation through fair taxation and the economy will blossom.
He recognized the need for more attention to welfare, the environment, higher education, caring for an aging population, urban transportation and fair taxation.
It leads to violations of the principle of fair taxation and is liable to distort competition.
In other words the Eurovignette is an instrument designed to ensure fair taxation, despite all indications to the contrary at the moment.
I think that there is a need for fair taxation in the European Union.