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But any fair-minded person has to admit that their parents did offend.
Any fair-minded person would agree that Newt quashed this idea during one of last week's debates.
Wouldn't any fair-minded person understand how the nurse didn't catch this error?
Here's a Federal plan so wrongheaded it's likely to provoke profanity from any fair-minded person: 1.
When any remotely fair-minded person thinks about this for two minutes, it collapses under its own weight.
"No fair-minded person," he said, "can read an authorization to use military force as authority to go off and do domestic spying."
"But I think he is a fair-minded person and he'll be very good to lead Lincoln Center."
Knowing that you are a fair-minded person, Commissioner, I believe we can count on your support for our proposal.
The question for the court is whether the views could honestly have been held by a fair-minded person on facts known at the time.
"He was a very fair-minded person; he worked well with his colleagues."