With a thunderous retort it knocked a fair-sized chunk out of the rock wall.
For that reason, although it was a fair-sized chunk of rock and not far from Earth's own orbit at times, it had never been discovered by human astronomers.
Dougherty Island, in the South Pacific, for instance; a fair-sized chunk of land eight miles long and eighty feet high with a big population of seals and birds.
Belwar turned to the side and slammed his hammer-hand into the wall of the archway, taking off a fair-sized chunk of stone.
Not to mention the village of Colbis, and a fair-sized chunk of the northern Pyrenees A new sound floated through the wall: a harsh judder, dulled by layers of stone.
He seized it in one gauntleted fist and swung it very hard at an unoffending birch tree, ripping off a fair-sized chunk of white bark.
If they wanted revenge, they could take a fair-sized chunk of it.
Drizzt sidestepped the first strike-it took out a fair-sized chunk from the stone wall beside him-and stepped forward toward the warhammer, locking his arm around it to hold it in place.
The blinded minotaur's rod took a fair-sized chunk out of the stone floor an inch below Catti-brie's angled back.