It's time for Conservatives to wake up and smell the fair-trade coffee.
After watching "Stolen Childhoods," the average American may be able to do little more than buy a cup of fair-trade coffee on the way home.
They began offering their own "free organic fair-trade coffee" to wary passers-by.
Sometimes you've just got to grab your cup of fair-trade coffee and move on.
Over the past few years, it has introduced fair-trade and organic coffee and loose-leaf teas.
A small cafe onsite sells snacks and fair-trade coffee.
They have a huge selection, including many organic and fair-trade coffees.
Drinking fair-trade coffee, leaders of these groups say, is a way to live out that commitment daily.
Mr. Kreutziger plans to bring a resolution before the church's general conference next year asking the national church to buy fair-trade coffee and tea.
Most members say they now drink only fair-trade coffee.