HIV is a fairly fragile virus, and lasts for only a few hours outside the human body.
"If the moss was afraid of Li falling full force, the spores must be fairly fragile."
Whichever method you use, work slowly and gently; ski poles are fairly fragile.
These ploughs were fairly fragile, and were not suitable for breaking up the heavier soils of northern Europe.
Given the fairly fragile nature of earthenware, however, carrying it out by hand when possible seems preferable.
Because many of these greens have strong flavors, yet are fairly fragile in texture, it is important that they not be overwhelmed by thick dressings.
It's fairly fragile, and dynamics are easily influenced by personalities.
I was getting flashes of it in the worst way, more emotion than image, and I found myself fairly fragile under the onslaught.
While he may be agile, he's not a very fast flier compared to his teammates, and his wings are fairly fragile.
"We've had a market environment that is fairly fragile and volatile," he said.