In their time they were revolutionary, for they imposed an almost operatic sense of drama on a form that had been governed by fairly restrictive conventions.
XSL-FO 1.0 was fairly restrictive about what text was allowed to go in what areas of a page.
Within that fairly restrictive formula we've set for the art, I think they've done an amazing job cultivating a great variety of artful logos.
Mr. Lucas himself appears to have a fairly restrictive view on civil rights enforcement.
It's very insular, which I hate but which suits many people who come from fairly restrictive backgrounds (i.e. hothoused in private schools).
With respect to real world applications, if the domain is quite large, these assumptions can be fairly restrictive and highly unrealistic.
This makes the whole line fairly restrictive and not very attractive for freight traffic.
Due to the geological layout of the Rhondda Valley, transport links are fairly restrictive.
The creation of Speakers' Corner has been criticized as a governmental concession to free speech which remains fairly restrictive.
The characteristics of the display were fairly restrictive.