Talanne's light was a dim beacon down a fairly roomy corridor.
The helo looked fairly roomy inside.
The car is a tall, fairly roomy 4-door hatchback, of modest dimensions.
It's fun-to-drive, good on gas, easy on the eyes, and fairly roomy (hatchback especially) despite its compact dimensions.
But inside it opened out into a fairly roomy cave, with a higher roof.
In return, drivers get an easy-handling, fairly roomy vehicle with a good number of comfort and convenience features.
The driver was sealed into his own compartment in the chassis, but the other three occupied the fairly roomy turret.
Inside, the space widened and proved to be a fairly roomy recess with room to stand upright and to move about.
The car was fairly roomy, and aside from a slightly baulky gearchange, easy to drive with very reasonable performance.
The car is a tall, fairly roomy four-door sedan, of modest dimensions.