Kharemough was fairly well-off even after the Old Empire fell apart, Moon.
She didn't remember the face, either: he was a middle-aged stranger, plump and fairly well-off, the half-owner of a machine shop.
This refers mainly, of course, to the fairly well-off (and ill-defined)'middle class'.
The saraniyas own 15 bighas of land and are fairly well-off.
He was fairly well-off.
You're going to become fairly well-off; you'll have to be, you'll be an associate of the Family.
But Brennan was alive and fairly well-off on his own earnings, and he'd never had an accident.
He sold as many as 100 of his watercolor paintings to foreign collectors and was fairly well-off.
She supposed that he was fairly well-off and she would have an allowance for clothes.
And this is a fairly well-off area, just one hour from Vientiane.