Her parents were fairly well-to-do; they owned a prosperous night spot just outside the Motton town limits called The Jolly Roadhouse.
She had small round, hanging gold earrings, and a general air of being fairly well-to-do in a vulgar, comfortable, easy-going way.
They were fairly well-to-do, but by no means rich-unlike Grand-uncle Reuben, who had died last year leaving a rather complicated will.
Biligiri Iyengar was a famous advocate in the Madras High Court and was fairly well-to-do in those times.
He had no idea what their clothing signified, except that all of the other patrons appeared fairly well-to-do.
A cheerful, fairly well-to-do Italian tourist-to anyone offering him less than a very close scrutiny.
Between 1857 and 1870 Moses' father became fairly well-to-do through his business affairs and real estate ventures.
At this time Thompson was fairly well-to-do.
And all of them fairly well-to-do.
His family was fairly well-to-do, and owned a lot of land in eastern Connecticut.