I expect he was right, for fairies don't live long, but they are so little that a short time seems a good while to them.
Without it, the fairy cannot live her normal life.
He came to three cottages, in each of which a fairy lived with her son.
There was a play center called Castle Wish Star where the fairies lived and played together.
How long did a fairy live if not killed?
Once upon a time there lived a fairy whose name was Dindonette.
It seems odd that a fairy should have a birthday, for fairies, they say, were born at the beginning of time and live forever.
This occurred at the Ancients' Place, where fairies have since lived for thousands of years.
According to tradition, the fairies live for six months in a stand of woods, then move to another, perhaps on the other side of the world.
Over the ages the fairies have lived in every part of the world," said Aggie.