By executive order, I have opened billions of dollars in grant money to competition that includes faith-based charities.
He would "replace Washington welfare with neighborhood charity" because, he said, "private faith-based charities work better than Government agencies."
Mr. Bush said that "those who hold positions of power should not be wary or hostile toward faith-based charities."
Let a tax cut and "faith-based charities" lift up the poor.
We must also expand faith-based charities such as Habitat for Humanity, which grow families as well as build homes.
It doesn't matter if the state doesn't favor faith-based charities over secular ones; a complete ban is demanded.
Then there were the forgotten commitments to give faith-based charities the resources they needed to care for the poor.
Money to faith-based charities has gone to providing recreation programs, preschool, housing construction, and centralized well construction.
This year a prominent local faith-based charity, consisting exclusively of churches, invited Etz Chaim to join.
Truckloads of donated goods arrived from faith-based charities across the Midwest: winter coats, musical instruments, butterfly nets.