But Alice contrives to meet her faithless lover once more: beyond the grave.
Many of the 22 stories in her second collection are about Mexican-American women, struggling with culture shock or faithless lovers.
Not once since she began to get better, had Phemy alluded to her faithless lover.
Tears come to my eyes when I sing songs about saying goodbye, or faithless lovers, or anything like that.
A fallen or faithless lover appeared, along with factual but tinted tales of early privilege.
A thankless husband - next, a faithless lover - Then dressing, nursing, praying - and all's over.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, her supposedly faithless lover appears in righteous high dudgeon.
It tells the story of a Young Man driven to suicide by his faithless lover.
A faithless lover and former liberal activist ends up publishing a trendy magazine called Boomer.
Mona is sitting on the ground, burning snapshots of faithless lovers as she prepares to cut her wrists.