Do not wear makeup, fingernail polish, or fake nails, because some of the test equipment will be placed on your face and fingers.
When plucking the strings, fake nails are not required to be attached to the fingers.
Because of acetone's strength as a solvent, it shouldn't be used on your fake nails.
She laughed nervously and hooked a thumb with a long, fake nail on it in the direction of the file cabinet.
Tracy turned away, scratching her chin with a fake nail.
But the worst is when they glue on fake nails for the first show and rip them off at the next show.
Why the fake nails as part of the sales pitch for the camp, in Pittsfield, Mass.?
The woman slapped him, cutting his cheek with her fake nails.
She spends $20 a week nurturing her fake nails.
Schwarzenegger sat on a bicycle seat mounted in the tree while fake nails were affixed to his wrists and feet.