Also, there are falafel stands, shawarma restaurants, a koshari restaurant near the main road, and pharmacies.
And to himself: But I'll be damned if I'll blow this falafel stand without having a peek at Masked Beauty.
They wouldn't sell to pork dodgers or skeptics or that Moslem guy at my favorite falafel stand.
Walk up to the falafel stand and hand the guy $3.
Ahmed and Ariel have nothing, but David and Fatima scrape together some of the remaining food, merging the two falafel stands.
He was discovered at a falafel stand by Jack Horner (Robert Ridgely).
If only the lament applied solely to the owners of falafel stands.
To become independent of her father, they saved their dimes and opened a falafel stand near the university campus.
The falafel stand was a window onto the academic world that Abu had previously scorned.
As their cab sped up, Bob's eyes moved to a group of taxi drivers who had double-parked near a falafel stand and were chatting animatedly to one another.