He was falling endlessly, with no way to know.
She fell endlessly through the freezing sky, convinced that her body would be smashed to pieces any instant.
Blue were his eyes and very much the color of the water falling endlessly, thunderously, on the far side of the building.
"The snow is endlessly falling like tears," said one soldier on state television.
Her heart reached out to him, but like a pebble tossed into a bottomless well it fell endlessly.
Prisoners of monsters, far from home, falling endlessly: they were taking it well.
The white stone fell endlessly away from them, down to the summer-green slope the great house sat on.
Rain like a solid wall falling endlessly from the night-black heavens.
At first it was like falling endlessly into a sweet-scented scarlet well.
You might go through the locks, but you would fall endlessly in the heavens.