"They're a beautiful velvety green, but they'll turn yellow after the first fall frost."
The lake also produces microclimates, they have the effect of delaying the onset of fall frost (particularly on the south shore) allowing for tender fruit production in a continental climate.
The nuts develop through late summer, with the burrs opening and falling to the ground near the first fall frost.
There was a park across the street, with grass worn brown by kids' feet and the fall frosts.
Fragrant lavender to rose-purple flowers are in tight clusters located on terminal and axillary stems, blooming from mid-summer until fall frost.
The first fall frost usually holds off until October where air drainage is good.
They succumb to the first fall frosts.
If size matters most, go for the green version, Zanzibariensis, a 10- to 12-footer with 3-foot-wide leaves, though like all castor beans, it will be just a brown corpse after the first fall frost.
The blooming period for this plant is roughly mid-summer until fall frost, and last for one or more months.
They last for one year and are then killed off by fall frosts.