But shares of Microsoft fell $3.75, to $113, in heavy trading.
Bank of America shares fell 1.6 percent, also in active trading.
Stock prices also fell in early trading, but recovered by the end of the morning session.
Market participants said bids on some issues fell by 1/4 to 3/8 of a point in thin trading.
The share price fell 62.5 cents, to $46.375, in trading Friday.
That would lead to the bond price falling in later trading.
It was the second time this week that the Dow fell nearly 50 points in daily trading.
The average fell 30.18 points, to 3,525.22, in heavy trading.
Prices of most Treasury notes and bonds fell again in light trading.
Its stock has since fallen in over-the-counter trading from about $20 a share to less than $5.